A RESTful browser for eXist Java-Based Function Modules

A module with the XQuery/XPath Core Library Functions

tokenize($input as xs:string?, $pattern as xs:string) xs:string+
Breaks the input string $input into a sequence of strings, treating any substring that matches pattern $pattern as a separator. The separators themselves are not returned.
$inputThe input string
$patternThe tokenization pattern

Returns the token sequence

tokenize($input as xs:string?, $pattern as xs:string, $flags as xs:string) xs:string+
Breaks the input string $input into a sequence of strings, treating any substring that matches pattern $pattern as a separator using $flags, see http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#flags. The separators themselves are not returned.
$inputThe input string
$patternThe tokenization pattern
$flagsThe flags

Returns the token sequence
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