
1. Versions

Release 1.4 is our current production quality release. Among other things, it improves eXist's XQuery processing thanks to a better and more robust handling of in memory documents. It features faster and customizable full text indexing by transparently integrating Lucene into the XQuery engine. eXist now also provides a lightweight URL rewriting and MVC framework (which in part replaces Cocoon), along with support for XProc, XForms and many new XQuery extension modules.

1.4 replaces the 1.2 series as stable branch. Release 1.5 becomes the new bleeding edge development release. New features will be added to this release only.

2. Donations, Consulting, Training

eXist depends on the commitment of volunteers. Making a donation acknowledges their efforts and helps to finance the few things we need to keep the project at speed.

Another way to support eXist is to "sponsor" features or solutions you may need for your own applications. Members of our development team are available for consulting, training or first-hand support on a flexible basis. If interested, please send an email to and we will coordinate the requests. We are also working on a commercial support option, which should be available in early 2010 and will be backed by large parts of the active development team (in cooperation with all interested parties).


For information concerning upgrades from previous versions, see our Upgrade Guide.

3.1. Stable Release 1.4 (Codename: Eindhoven)

1.4 (Stable Release)
eXist-setup-1.4.0-rev10440.jar Installer based on IzPack. Includes source. Run with java -jar eXist-1.4.0-rev10440.jar
eXist-setup-1.4.0-rev10440.exe Installer based on IzPack. Includes source. Required for MS Vista.
We no longer distribute a .war package as we would like to encourage new users to start with the stand alone distribution. Running eXist within an isolated environment helps to identify issues and avoid unnecessary problems. However, experienced users can always repackage the standard distribution. It only takes seconds.
eXist as Cocoon block
The 1.4 release still includes Cocoon 2.1.11. We would like to provide an eXist-as-Cocoon block as we have done in the past. However, we lacked the manpower to get this ready for 1.4. If you have experience with Cocoon please drop a message on the developer's list.

3.2. Previous Stable Release (Codename: Rennes)

eXist-setup-1.2.6-rev9165.jar Installer based on IzPack. Includes source. Run with java -jar eXist-setup-1.2.6-rev9165.jar
eXist-setup-1.2.6-rev9165.exe Installer based on IzPack. Includes source. Required for MS Vista.
eXist-1.2.6-rev9165.war Web application archive, ready to be installed into an existing servlet-engine like Tomcat or Jetty.
eXist as Cocoon block
The standard distribution already ships with Cocoon. However, this version is a bit older and offers only a subset of the available Cocoon modules (called "blocks" in Cocoon). If you work a lot with Cocoon, you might prefer to have eXist integrated into full Cocoon build. The installer-based distribution contains build scripts to set up eXist as a block in Cocoon. Please refer to the documentation. As a service to Cocoon users, we also provide a pre-compiled Cocoon 2.1.11 below:
cocoon-2.1.11-with-eXist-1.2.6.war This is Cocoon version 2.1.11 build with standard options and eXist 1.2 as a block. You should find eXist in http://my-server:port/cocoon/samples/blocks/exist/.

4. Important Notes

4.1. Java versions

eXist-db version 1.4.x requires Java5. The database has been implemented and tested with the Java implementation of Sun. Implementations of other vendors will probably work but have not been tested as extensively.

4.2. Endorsed library

eXist-db heavily depends on the Apache Xerces2 parser, Apache Xalan-Java XSLT processor and the Apache XML Commons Resolver libraries. When eXist-db is installed in a servlet container like tomcat, these jar files must be made available to eXist via the java endorsed feature.

4.3. Tomcat

Due to some restrictions of Apache Tomcat the validation functions do not fully work on stored documents (using the xmldb:exist:///-type URLs - Note the three slashes).

By default Apache Tomcat is started with a limited HeapSize. This heapsize must be increased to have optimal performance and to prevent "Out of Memory" errors.

September 2009
Dannes Wessels