We would like to thank the following organizations and corporations for supporting and sponsoring the development of eXist:
The new indexing engine featured in eXist, since version 1.1, was made possible through the agency of the University of Victoria node of the Canadian TAPoR consortium, who have made it available for general use. | TAPoR |
Trapeze Networks, headquartered in Pleasanton, Calif., has continuously sponsored improvements and new features since 2004 and helped to advance development by testing and deploying eXist in a production environment. | |
Major parts of the XQuery implementation were motivated and sponsored by the project: "Exemplarische Internet-Edition der Werke des jungen Goethe und Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz'", funded by the Fritz-Thyssen Stiftung. Project lead: Prof. Dr. Karl Eibl (Institut für Deutsche Philologie, Ludwig- Maximilians- Universität München), Prof. Dr. Fotis Jannidis (Institut für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, TU Darmstadt). | |
The eXist Wiki, the demo server and other vital parts of our project infrastructure are kindly hosted by Fri programvaru-syndikatet / exist-db.se in Sweden. | |
The Devon Portal Project sponsored development of various bug fixes and donated the mail, context and sql extension modules. The Devon Portal is a partnership of Local Authorities in Devon, UK. | |
The versioning extensions, released with eXist 1.4, were kindly sponsored by the Telota Initiative of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. |
Viewtier's Parabuild ensures that new changes do not break the eXist codebase by hosting Continuous Integration system for eXist. | |
XML and non-XML resources of an eXist database can be edited and processed with XSLT and XQuery seamlessly in <oXygen/> XML Editor/Author both through an eXist connection and through WebDAV in an integrated environment. | |
Jetbrains' Team City is used to ensures that new changes do not break the eXist codebase and build nightly installer snapshots. |