A RESTful browser for eXist Java-Based Function Modules

A module for database manipulation functions.

xmldb:store-files-from-pattern($collection-uri as xs:string, $directory as xs:string, $pattern as xs:string+) xs:string*
Stores new resources into the database. Resources are read from the server's file system, using file patterns. The function returns a sequence of all document paths added to the db. These can be directly passed to fn:doc() to retrieve the document(s).
$collection-uriThe collection-uri where resources should be stored. Collection URIs can be specified either as a simple collection path or an XMLDB URI.
$directoryThe directory in the file system from where the files are read.
$patternThe file matching pattern. Based on code from Apache's Ant, thus following the same conventions. For example: *.xml matches any file ending with .xml in the current directory, **/*.xml matches files in any directory below the current one

Returns the sequence of document paths

xmldb:store-files-from-pattern($collection-uri as xs:string, $directory as xs:string, $pattern as xs:string+, $mime-type as xs:string) xs:string*
Stores new resources into the database. Resources are read from the server's file system, using file patterns. The function returns a sequence of all document paths added to the db. These can be directly passed to fn:doc() to retrieve the document(s).
$collection-uriThe collection-uri where resources should be stored. Collection URIs can be specified either as a simple collection path or an XMLDB URI.
$directoryThe directory in the file system from where the files are read.
$patternThe file matching pattern. Based on code from Apache's Ant, thus following the same conventions. For example: *.xml matches any file ending with .xml in the current directory, **/*.xml matches files in any directory below the current one
$mime-typeIf the mime-type is something other than 'text/xml' or 'application/xml', the resource will be stored as a binary resource.

Returns the sequence of document paths

xmldb:store-files-from-pattern($collection-uri as xs:string, $directory as xs:string, $pattern as xs:string+, $mime-type as xs:string, $preserve-structure as xs:boolean) xs:string*
Stores new resources into the database. Resources are read from the server's file system, using file patterns. The function returns a sequence of all document paths added to the db. These can be directly passed to fn:doc() to retrieve the document(s).
$collection-uriThe collection-uri where resources should be stored. Collection URIs can be specified either as a simple collection path or an XMLDB URI.
$directoryThe directory in the file system from where the files are read.
$patternThe file matching pattern. Based on code from Apache's Ant, thus following the same conventions. For example: *.xml matches any file ending with .xml in the current directory, **/*.xml matches files in any directory below the current one
$mime-typeIf the mime-type is something other than 'text/xml' or 'application/xml', the resource will be stored as a binary resource.
$preserve-structureIf preserve-structure is true(), the filesystem directory structure will be mirrored in the collection. Otherwise all the matching resources, including the ones in sub-directories, will be stored in the collection given in the first argument flatly.

Returns the sequence of document paths
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