A RESTful browser for eXist Java-Based Function Modules

A module for XML validation and grammars functions.

validation:validate($instance as item()) xs:boolean
Validate xml. The grammar files (DTD, XML Schema) are resolved using the global catalog file(s).
$instanceThe document referenced as xs:anyURI or a node (element or returned by fn:doc())

Returns true() if the document is valid and no single problem occured, false() for all other conditions. For detailed validation information use the corresponding -report() function.

Deprecated: Use the validation:parse(), validation:jaxv() or valation:jing() functions. This function could be removed at anytime during the 1.5 development and will be removed in the 1.6 release.

validation:validate($instance as item(), $grammar as xs:anyURI) node()
Validate document by using a specific grammar.
$instanceThe document referenced as xs:anyURI or a node (element or returned by fn:doc())
$grammarThe reference to an OASIS catalog file (.xml), a collection (path ends with '/') or a grammar document. Supported grammar documents extensions are ".dtd" ".xsd" ".rng" ".rnc" ".sch" and ".nvdl".

Returns true() if the document is valid and no single problem occured, false() for all other conditions. For detailed validation information use the corresponding -report() function.

Deprecated: Use the validation:parse(), validation:jaxv() or valation:jing() functions. This function could be removed at anytime during the 1.5 development and will be removed in the 1.6 release.
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