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A module for full text indexed searching based on Lucene.

ft:query($nodes as node()*, $query as item()) node()*
Queries a node set using a Lucene full text index; a lucene index must already be defined on the nodes, because if no index is available on a node, nothing will be found. Indexes on descendant nodes are not used. The context of the Lucene query is determined by the given input node set. The query is specified either as a query string based on Lucene's default query syntax or as an XML fragment. See http://exist-db.org/lucene.html#N1029E for complete documentation.
$nodesThe node set to search using a Lucene full text index which is defined on those nodes
$queryThe query to search for, provided either as a string or text in Lucene's default query syntax or as an XML fragment to bypass Lucene's default query parser

Returns all nodes from the input node set matching the query. match highlighting information will be available for all returned nodes. Lucene's match score can be retrieved via the ft:score function.

ft:score($node as node()) xs:float*
Returns a computed relevance score for the given node. The score is the sum of all relevance scores provided by Lucene for the node and its descendants. In general, the score will be a number between 0.0 and 1.0 if the query had $node as context. If the query targeted multiple descendants of $node (e.g. 'title' and 'author' within a 'book'), the score will be the sum of all sub-scores and may thus be greater than 1.
$nodethe context node

Returns sum of all relevance scores provided by Lucene for all matches below the given context node
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