A RESTful browser for eXist Java-Based Function Modules

A module for performing HTTP requests as a client

httpclient:head($url as xs:anyURI, $persist as xs:boolean, $request-headers as element()?) item()
Performs a HTTP HEAD request. This method returns the HTTP response encoded as an XML fragment, that looks as follows: <httpclient:response xmlns:httpclient="http://exist-db.org/xquery/httpclient" statusCode="200"><httpclient:headers><httpclient:header name="name" value="value"/>...</httpclient:headers></httpclient:response>
$urlThe URL to process
$persistThe to indicate if the cookies persist for the query lifetime
$request-headersAny HTTP Request Headers to set in the form <headers><header name="" value=""/></headers>

Returns the XML body content
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