XForms Examples

This page provides a few examples based on the xsltforms XForms processor, which is included in the eXist distribution. xsltforms implements the XForms standard within the browser and is thus easy to integrate. However, eXist will also work with other XForms processors like Orbeon or Chiba.

For more information, please have a look at the documentation.

1. Simple Examples

Hello world!

A very basic example.

Hello world 2

Another "hello world" which actually stores some data into the db and retrieves it later. Also demonstrates incremental instance loading.

Dynamic XForms

A simple XForms which is dynamically generated by an XQuery.

2. Advanced Example: Task Manager

The following example implements a simple, but functional task manager in XForms. It demonstrates features like switch/case and showing/hiding parts of a form, working with helper instances or communicating with an XQuery backend:

Wolfgang M. Meier