In order to run the XQuery Test Suite (XQTS), you need to download and install the
XQTS data from the W3C web site. To install and run the XQTS, read the following
- Get latest XQTS test suite ZIP file from the
W3C site.
Please note: eXist 1.0 will only work with XQTS version 0.9.0. It won't run
with later versions. eXist 1.1 can run all versions!
- Extract the file to a location remembered as "XQTS_HOME" on your local drive (it is not needed to create an
environment variable).
- Modify EXIST_HOME/webapp/xqts/config.xml, set <basedir>XQTS_HOME</basedir>
- Modify EXIST_HOME/conf.xml, set suppress-whitespace="none" if required
- Modify EXIST_HOME/conf.xml, set disable-deprecated-functions="yes" if required
- Modify EXIST_HOME/conf.xml, set raise-error-on-failed-retrieval="yes" if required
- Start eXist as full server in EXIST_HOME : bin/ or bin\startup.bat
- Start data upload : build.[sh|bat] -f EXIST_HOME/webapp/xqts/build.xml
- Reload this page!