Virtual Jamestown Alumni

Over the years we have been sustained by the generous contributions of many institutions. In 1998, Virginia Tech provided seed funding through its ASPIRES (A Support Program For Innovative Research Strategies) program. In the fall of 1999, Virtual Jamestown received a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities' Educational Development and Demonstration Grant, providing crucial support to the project. In 2002, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation awarded a large planning grant, making it possible to develop the next phase of the project. The Eugene Holt Foundation has provided generous funding to build Native- and African-American parts of the Web site. Additional support has come from the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, Verizon, and the Fair Play Foundation.

We are very grateful for the support we have received from many individuals, without which Virtual Jamestown would not have been possible. This is a list of generous people who have supported this project with their time and talents:

Copyright & Fair Use

For information on using copyrighted Virtual Jamestown materials and how to properly cite materials found on the site, click here.

Virtual Jamestown Alumni

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg

Pulaski County Schools

Virginia Center for Digital History, University of Virginia

Department of Architecture, University of Virginia

Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, University of Virginia

Curry School of Education, University of Virginia

The College of William and Mary

Jamestown Rediscovery (APVA)

University of Virginia, Wise

James Madison University

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia)

Consultants and Advisors

Virginia Indians