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Understanding Native American Structures

Paired Houses

Like the apparent house with attached enclosure (Structures 19 and 18) at 44JC308, these pairs of houses (Structure 12 and 13, Structures 43 and 44) have direct parallels in White's rendering of the village of Secoton. Structure 13 may have had an interior partition and postmold paralleling the long side walls of Structure 43 indicate the walls may have been lined with benches, as shown in the White watercolor.

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Structures 12 and 13.
(Detail of site map for site 44JC308, Hodges and Hodges 1994.)

This image is a section of "Indian Village of Secoton" a watercolor drawing by John White (created 1585-1586). (Licensed by the Trustees of the British Museum. ©Copyright the British Museum.)

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Structures 43 and 44.
(Detail of site map for site 44JC308, Hodges and Hodges 1994.)