An Inventory of Records for the Virtual Jamestown Project:




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1) Rockefeller Library (Colonial Williamsburg)

2) Library of Virginia,

3) Virginia Historical Society

4) Virginia Colonial Records Project

5) Alderman Library (University of Virginia)

6) Huntington Library

7) Selected Printed Sources




4) Virginia Colonial Records Project (Shifflett)



John W. Raimo, ed.,  A Guide to Manuscripts Relating to America in Great Britain and Ireland.  A Revision of the Guide Edited in 1961 by B.R. Crick and Miriam Alman.  London:  Meckler Books, 1979.  Ref E 178 G8


This guide should be compared to John T. Kneebone and Jon Kukla, eds., A Key to Survey Reports and Microfilm of the Virginia Colonial Records Project, 2 Vols. (Richmond, 1990), in order to identify which records were microfilmed and deposited at the Library of Virginia or the University of Virginia Library.


17th Century




Bristol Archives Office

Council House

Bristol BS1 5TR

·         Servants to Foreign Plantations.  2 Vols. 1654-79.  Enrollment of names and places of origin of over 10,000 servants to foreign plantations who sailed from Bristol to Va, Md., and other parts of Atlantic coast. Also entry on Gloucestershire apprentices bound to serve in Va.  City archives contain other rough entry books of city apprentices which note servants bound oversees down to Feb 1685.



Berkshire Record Office, Shire Hall, Reading RG1 3EE

Downshire Papers. 1609-1773

·         9 Nov 69:  from John More to Wm Trumbull, mentions the scattering of Sir Thomas Gates's ships sailing for Va.

·         30 Nov 1609, from J. Beaulieu to Trumbull, states that all vessels have arrived safely and adds that there is dissension among settlers because their minister is a Puritan and antagonizing the High Church

·         1611-13, to Trumbull on conditions in Va, the lottery and Spanish opposition to English settlement there.

·         8 letters.  To Trumbull about the Va settlement, the attacks upon it by savages, and its products

·         1630 petition of George Rookes, a London merchant, and John Barnabee, a Va planter to trade and plant certain commodities and transport them; letter 30 Sept 1630 from Privy Council to the Council and Governor of Va ordering them to allow this.  Corn, wood, rapeseed, flax, and hemp are specifically mentioned as allowed to be planted; tobacco is forbidden

·         Manuscript newsletter, 1 Aug 1695 re arrival of ships from Va



Buckinghamshire Record Office

County Hall, Aylesbury Hp20 IUA

Verney Papers. 3 letters.  1676

·         2 letters from Dr. William Denton to Sir R. Verney.  On 12 Oct 1676 he mentions that 1,000 men are being sent to Va with a pardon to all but Bacon.  On 19 Oct 'the drums beat for the volunteers of Virginia.  Here is much talk of a remonstrance from the city.'

·         7 Dec 1676.  From John Verney to Sir R. Verney mentioning Nathaniel Bacon's capture and burning of Jamestown, his taking Sir Thos. Chickely as prisoner, and Gov Berkeley again fleeing the country.



The Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge, CB3 OAG

Ferrar Papers. 1617-23

·         Papers of the Ferrar family including those of Nicholas Ferrar and his brother John active in the affairs of the Va Co of London.  They include 78 papers -- letters from Edwin Sandys and others-- relating to the company, 1617-23.

·         Other Records.  Journal. 1676.  Sir John Berry's Journal of his Proceedings in the Execution of his Majesty's Commission to him and Col. Morison for inquiring into the grievances of the Plantation of VA, 1676.



County Hall, Truro

·         Other records.  1674-1924.  Letter from Paschow Morshead to his mother describing visit to Barbados, New England, and Va, 1674 (DD.CN. 3478).



Earl of Lonsdale

Askham Hall, Penrith

Lonsdale Papers. 1672-1843)

Parliamentary papers

·         Sir John Lowther's commonplace book, 1672-94, including a list of ships at Va, 1703, and a table of counties in Va with numbers of taxable persons and names of representatives at the General Assembly at Williamsburg, 1703, and a list of voyages to Va and Md made by the ship Resolution of Whitehaven, giving names of places where cargo was laden and discharged and names of merchant freighters.

·         Whitehaven estate accounts, 1683-1726, including occasional references to ships being fitted out for Va

·         Miscellaneous accounts:  Invoice of cost of goods laden on the Amity for Va, 1695



Marquess of Lothian

Melbourne Hall


Coke Papers. 10 letters. 1626-39

·         20 Jan 1626 from Sir Robert Heath, Attorney-General to Sir John Coke on the decayed state of the Virginia tobacco trade.

·         7 May 1635 Jamestown, Va from Gov Sir John Harvey to Mr Kemp charging him to order the Council that their assembly is unlawful and that they must disperse

·         Extract of a letter 25 May 1635 from Samuel Mathews on the diffs between Sir John Harvey (Gov) and the colony of Va.  The former leaving Jamestown and the latter appointing Captain John West to act as Gov till his Majesty appoint another

·         11 July 1639 from Sir Francis Wyatt to Coke announcing that he is ready to sail to take up his appointment as Gov of Va; also draft of Cooke's answer



West Devon Record Office

14 Tacistock Place


Plymouth City Records. Collected papers. 1606-1815, n.d.

·         Copy of orders for the government of the colonies of Virginia (1606)(W360/89)

·         Copy of letters patent by James I for planting t5wo colonies on the coast of Virginia and America to be called the First Colony and the Second Colony (April 1606) (W360/91)



Dorset Record Office

County Hall, Dorchester

Lyme Regis Borough Archives. 1681-1739.

·         Certificates regarding seamen on a voyage to Virginia taken into slavery in Algiers, 1681-2 (B7/A4/3)

·         Apprenticeship indentures, servants to American colonies, 1683-4, 1689 (B7/M9)


S. Wingfield Digby, Esp

Sherborne Castle



·         Digby Papers. 5 letters. 1612, 1755.

1612. 4 letters from Sir J. Digby at Madrid to W. Trumbull, Sir D Carleton (two) and Sir T. Edmonds about Spanish displeasure over the English plantation in Virginia and reputed hostile designs against it.



Essex Record Office

County Hall

Chelmsford CM1 1LX

Round Papers.  Letters, business, and misc papers, 1585-1776

·         Document entitled "For Mr. Rauleys viage', c. 1585.  Apparently written by an experienced soldier giving advice to those undertaking Sir Walter Raleigh's project to colonize Va (D/DRhZ1)

·         Abdy Papers.  Will. 1642.  Will of Nicholas Addy, London merchant, includes a bequest of  £120  for 20 boys and girls, taken vagrant in the streets of London to be conveyed to Va, New England, or the West Indies (D/DayF4)

·         Parish Records.  Writtle. Overseers' accounts include an item for 1631.  'Layd out for parrill [apparel] for two boyes that ware sent to Virgeny', £4. 7s. 3d. (D/P50/12/1)



Gloucestershire County Libraries

Divisional Library

Brunswick Road



Smyth of Nibley Papers. (16524)

·         John Smyh (1567-1641), antiquarian, steward, and chronicler to the Berkeley family.  Chief adventurer in the Va settlement and had a good deal to say at meetings of the Va Co.  Papers relating to Va were sold separately to NY Public Lib (see their Bulletin, vol i, pp. 186-90m 1897). 

·         Gloucestershire Records Office

Shire Hall

Gloucester GL1 2TG

·         Two registers of recognizance's, 1643-52.  Ships' cargoes, details of ships, tonnage, and shipping routes from Bristol and Ireland to Va, Barbados, and St. Christopher, Newfoundland, and New England.  Both vols have personal names index.  (GBR 1456/1576; GBR 1457/1577)

·         Apprenticeship register, 1645-59.  Apprenticeship bonds of men and women contracting to serve as indentured labor in Barbados and Va, 1659-60 (GBR 1458A/1583, pp. 371-8).



Southampton City Record Office

Civic Centre,

Southampton SO9 4XL


·         Quarter Sessions Books of Examinations and Depositions, 1570-1698 (SC9/3/1-14).  References to sailings to or from Va.




Earl of Verulam


St. Albans


Marquess of Salisbury

Hatfield House



Cecil Papers.  Letters and documents. 1563-1610.


·         Before Aug 1607 from William Brewster in Virginia to Dudley Carleton (?), reporting on his arrival in Va and declaring that the 'rocks and mountains' promised 'infinite treasure.'

·         Aug 1607, from Sir Walter Cope to Salisbury.  Describes experiences of the Jamestown settlers and reports on the likelihood of discovering gold and pearls in Virginia (124/18)

·         1 Dec 1607, from Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Salisbury, commenting on the reports brought back by a ship from Virginia:  'great news of a fertile country, fallant rivers, stately harbours, and a people tractable. (123/77)

·         30 Oct. 1609, from Thomas Holland to Salisbury, reporting on Henry Hudson's explorations in North American, which included a voyage 'into the bay of Chicepeicke.' (128/24)

·         Numerous other references to the English colony in Virginia in the Cecil MSS.  A predominant concern was the problem of Spanish and French resentment of the English settlement and the possibility that Spain might be preparing a naval expedition to harass the colonists




Humberside County Record Office

County Hall



Brynmor Jones Library

Hull University

Hull HU6 7RX


·         Copy will of Sir Thomas Danby of Thorp Perrow.  Bequest of plantations in Virginia.  Reference to son Christopher and wife returning to Virginia to plant and reside there, 11 Nov 1659 (DDCC/134/13)




Kent County Archives Office

County Hall

Maidstone ME14 1XQ


Sandwich Borough Records. 1611-1773

·         Letter, 1611, from Sir Edwin Sandys and twelve others seeking financial backing for the Virginia Co, with copy of registered list of adventurers and list and numbers of tradesmen to be sent out with Sir Thomas Gates and letter, 1612, containing order to subscribe £25 (Sa/ZB 2/64-68). 


Lennard, Sir Samuel (c. 1553-1618).

·         Will.  1618 (U312 t17/2).  References to 'adventures' in Virginia and Newfoundland




Duke of Rutland

Belvoir Castle



Rutland Papers.  Letters. 1611-1780


·         10 Mar 1611 from  Bruz to Rutland says:  'Sir Thomas Dale is departed to Virginia with three hundred men, and the Cumpanye hath spent therein ayght thousand pownes.  They should have sent with them at lest twise as many wemen to have mad a good and spedye plantatione.'


Leicestershire Record Office

The New Wlak

Leicester LE 1 7JB


Virginia Company.  3 letters. 1618

·         Letters between the Va Co and the Mayor and Aldermen of Leicester concerning local arrangements for the Va lottery.


Virginia Papers. 1674-1701

·         Protest by inhabitants of Virginia against royal grant of colony to Earl of Arlington and Lord Culpeper, 1674; Orders in Council relating to same, 1676 (DG&/Col. 3)

·         List of ships entered and cleared in Rappahannock District, Virginia, 1694-6.

·         Invoice of tobacco shipped to Bristol, 1697. (DG7/Col. 5,6)



Earl of Ancaster




The Library

The Cathedral


·         The Cathedral Library is rich in 17th century manuscripts, pamphlets, and broadsheets, as well as early printed books.  For example, a rare copy of Captain John Smith's The Seaman's Grammar (London, 1627).

·         Also, a broadsheet (bound in 'Various Treatises', numbers 5-27):  Proportion of Provisions Needfull for Such as Intend to Plant Themselves in New England, for One Whole Year (London, 1630)


Lincolnshire Archives Office

The Castle

Lincoln LN1 3AB


Preston Family Papers. 1637 (Preston 4/1/1-2)

·         Massingberd of Gunby MSS. 1698.1711.  Five account books of Thomas Meux, citizen and mercer of London, merchant in Narva and London, who also traded with the West Indies and the mainland of North America (New England, Virginia), 1698-1711 (Massingberd of Gunby M.G. 7/1-5).


Greater London


Trustees of the Bedord Estates

Bedford Office

London WC1B 5BL


Bedford Papers.  1593-1763.

·         'Travills, adventures, and observations of Captaine John Smith, in Europe, Assisi, Africa, and America, 1593-1629, etc.

·         Letter, 6 Feb 1734, from Thomas E___, of W____, includes 'considerations relating to the present condition of the colonies.'


British Library




38823.  Hoby, Sir Edward (1560-1617).  Commonplace Book.

·         Instructions for a voyage of discovery to North America, beginning imperfectly at f. 4 with instructions for geographical and scientific observation, followed by 'Instructions for the master' and "Instructions to be observed by Thomas Bavin', 1582.

·         5b. 'How the Crowne of England hath most right to all the mayne land and islands alongst the costes of America from the Cape of Florida to 58 degrees northwardes.' N.d.

·         f. 7.  Things known to be in the countries about the river of Norumbega (name used by 16th and 17th century map makers to undefined region along east coast of N.A. north of Florida).



29. Portland Papers.  Mainly 16th to early 18th century papers of various members of the Harley family, including those of Sir Robert Harley (1579-1656), his sons Sir Edward Harley (1624-1700) and Sir Robert Harley (1626-73), and his grandson, Robert Harley, lst Earl of Oxford (1661-1724).  Ov. 300 vols. Arranged chronologically. Much of the collection was, before its transfer to the British Library, the subject of reports by the Historical Manuscripts Commission (H.M.C.)

·         28 May 1608 from Lord Eure to Sir Robert Harley says that the Virginia ship is returned, and Captain Newport has brought over Capt Wingfield.

·         3 Nov 1662 from Sir Robert Harley to Sir Edward Harley describing plans for a settlement 'in the West Indies on that part which adjoynes to Virginia next to Florida...Sir George Cartwright is engaged in the thing'.

·         7 Aug 1691 from Sir Thomas Clarges to Robert Harley, says 'I cannot but be troubled for our plantations in America, for if the ships which were going there with provisions are taken, with their convoy, I know not how they or the ships we have there can subsist.'

·         18 Aug 1694 to Robert Harley from an unknown correspondent, 'the Queen has signed a revocation of that part of Colonel Fletcher's commission relating to Pennsylvania, as also a warrant to restore William Penn to that colony, who intends to go there about a month hence.'

·         12 Oct 1697 from W. Snowe to Robert Harley,'The news from Virginia is that Admiral Nevill and Mees, Captain Lilcot, Holmes, Belweed, Dyer, Studley and Fisher are dead, and all the Dutch captains but one, with 1,500 seamen [of Nevill's squadron]'.

·         Boston, 5 and 7 Mar. 1700 from the Earl of Bellomont to various people mainly about piracy and Captain Kidd.


Corporation of London

Records Office

P.O. Box 270


London EC2P 3E


Journal of the Common Council (Microfilm cys held by Princeton U., U. of Rochester, Huntingdon Library).

·         14 misc. Petitions, motions, addresses, 1618-1762, dealing with such matters as transportation to Virginia, tobacco trade, and military successes, e.g., Cape Breton, 1758 and Belle Isle, 1761.


Quarter Sessions Records

·         Servants' Indentures (3 boxes), 1718-40, with a few items for 1749-59.  Certificates of agreement to serve a stipulated number of years - three to seven, but usually four - in America or West Indies. Nearly 3,000 certificates, given the age and native town of the contracting person, and are signed or marked by him; they state also to which colony he is bound, and sometimes a particular wage is given.

·         Registers of servants' indentures (1 vol), 1718-32.  Names of those persons voluntarily binding themselves to go to the colonies and plantations in America. (LVA has microfilm).

·         Bonds for transportation of felons. Single items, 1667-70, 1680, 1698, 1715-35. 



Miscellaneous Papers.

·         A few misc items relating to the sending of children and vagrants to Virginia, 1618-19.


Greater London Record Office

Middlesex Section

1 Queen Anne's Gate Buildings

Dartmouth Street

London SW1H 9BS


·         Indentures. c. 1,000. 1683-84.  Of persons willing to serve in the plantation of America in accordance with the order of the Privy Council of 1682.  They give name and place of origin of the apprentice, the name of the master to whom he is bound and his trade, the colony in which he is to serve, and the period of apprenticeship.  Much used by American historians and genealogists.


National Maritime Museum

Romney Road

Greenwich, London SE10 9NF

 No Manuscript material but might be place to seek drawing of 17th century ship.




Central Libraries

William Brown Street

Liverpool L3 8EW


Norris Papers. Letters. 1693-1708. (920 Nor)

·         Letters to Richard Norris (1670-1731), merchant, Mayor of Liverpool, M.P., include some dealing with Virginia, from merchants or agents in London, Dublin, and elsewhere.  They note the arrival of the Virginia fleet, and include comment on tobacco crop prospects, tobacco prices, customs costs, the Virginia embargo, salt exports; many of these from Thomas Johnson, later a Va customs officer.




Earl of Leicester


Nr. Wells-on-Sea


John Bargrave, c. 1625

·         A copy of the petition of Jon Bargrave, planter in Virginia, to the House of Commons concerning the Virginia Company; it is inserted loose in Edward Coke's own copy of For the Colony in Virginia Britannia, Lawes Divine, Morall, and Martiall (London 1612).



Duke of Northumberland

Alnwick Castle



Northumberland Papers. 1607-1816.

·         Council in Virginia to the Council of Virginia in London, giving an account of what has been accomplished in the first seven weeks of settlement -- fortification, building, planting, further exploration, etc. -- and a favourable account of the country.  22 June 1607, Jamestown. (vol 7)

·         Letter 29 July 1607, from Captain Christopher Newport to Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, on former's return from Virginia (Vol 7).

·         Letter, Jamestown, Va., 17 Aug 1611, from George Percy to the Earl of Northumberland, his brother, thanking him for past financial assistance, and asking for more, as his position 'cannot be defrayed with small expense.' (Vol 9).

·         Account of the raising of money for the building of a free school at Charles City, Va, 1621-2 (vol 12)



Bodleian Library

Oxford OX1 3BG


Bankes Papers.

·         Note on laws relating to  'plantations in Virginia,' and list of legal officers to whom patents for the colonies had apparently been submitted for consideration.

·         1635, Lists of charges made by the Virginia Company against Sir John Harvey, the Governor, and against Lord Baltimore's deputies

·         1635 Petition, apparently of planters of Virginia, then in England, to Privy Council on the alleged infringement of their rights and territories by Sir Robert Heath and Lord Baltimore

·         n.d. The names of the chiefest planters that have both ventured their lives and estates for the plantation of Virginia

·         8 Aug 1635 Co0py of 'A breviat of the declaration of the planters in Virginia, dated the lst of July 1635, a fuller version of the above "list of charges."


Locke Papers. 1671-1714 (MSS Locke).

E9.  Papers on Virginia [1697]. I, 71 leaves.

·         F.1. 'Some of the chief greivances of the present constitution, of Virginia with an essay towards the remedies thereof.

·         F.39. 'Queries about the land, people, constitution, and revenue of Virginia'

·         F.43. A paper on public administration in Virginia.


Sherard Collection. Botanical Papers. 1679-1784. (Property of Dept of Botany, Oxford U).

·         Some botanical material , including lists of names, copies of drawings of American plants, botanical notes on Virginia. (MSS Sherard 38; 189-90, 205 f.13; 207 f.40; 237/2f.278; 453 f.50)



Miscellaneous Collections Belonging to the Bodleian Library

·         Ms Hatton 51 (S.C. 4099)  Some 17th century notes about methods of making fire and mfg glue in Va

·         MS Eng. Hist. C4(S.C. 29724). Copy of a newsletter, 18 Nov. 1610, from George Yardly about affairs in Va

·         MS. Malone 16 (S.C. 20564).  A commonplace book of poems, etc., 1620-30, including a description of a voyage to America.




William Salt Library, Eastgate Street, Stafford


Sir Thomas Salt Collection. Plan. 1683

·         Plan of the estate of Thomas, Lord Colepeper, on the James River, Virginia, 1683




Marquess of Bath, Longleat, Warminster


Bath Papers. 1607-1778

·         (Coventry Papers, vols LXXVI, LXVIII) (d) (1628, March?) Instructions to shipwrights sent to Virginia to procure masts and ships, timber out of the woods of that country.

·         Instructions to Captain John Harvey, Governor there; and proposed additions for him to carry on war against the natives (Whitelocke Papers, Vol. III) (H.M.C., iii, p. 190)


Scottish Record Office, H.M. General Register House, Edinburgh EH1 3YY


Leven and Melville Muniments. (GD .26)

·         Petition to King, 1689, by Francis Makemie, minister in Virginia, for restoration of his former liberty and privilege, he having formerly presented an address for six dissenting ministers in Virginia and Maryland with a petition of complaint against Lord Howard of Effingham for imprisoning William Anderson, member of the last Assembly of Virginia (7/266)



Irish Manuscripts Commission, 73 Merion Square, Dublin 2

The commission does not itself keep lists and indexes of material in archives and private possession, like England, but sponsors the publication of manuscripts.  It publishes also the Analecta Hibernica, which calendars or prints manuscripts and includes the reports of the Commission:  No. 4, pp. 139-286, Oct. 1932, reprints many documents concerning the Irish in the West Indies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.  Some of these documents also relate to Virginia, and exclude extracts on Irish prisoners transported to Virginia, c. 1620.  Daniel Gookin (1612?-1687), writer on American Indians in Virginia, c. 1621-3.  Edmund and Simon Tuchin in Virginia, c. 1623-4, two brothers expelled from Ireland for adherence to the Catholic religion who went to Virginia as adventurers in 1623.  Two specimens of indentures of Irish servants, c. 1677-9, one of which was to serve in Maryland 'or any part within the Cape of Virginia.'