An Inventory of Records for the Virtual Jamestown Project:




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1) Rockefeller Library (Colonial Williamsburg)

2) Library of Virginia,

3) Virginia Historical Society

4) Virginia Colonial Records Project

5) Alderman Library (University of Virginia)

6) Huntington Library

7) Selected Printed Sources



1) Records of the Rockefeller Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (Richter)


Hankin Family Memorandum Book, ca. 1691-1834, 1 vol., [72] pp.  MS 66.7.


§         Notebook of family records and accounts of the Hankin family [of James City County, Va.?], including the birth dates of the children of Charles and Sarah Stamp Hankin (married 1691), and of Charles and Drucilla Hankin (married 1753); births of slaves belonging to Charles Hankin, 1706-1719, and of other slaves, 1758-1759 and 1775-1834; miscellaneous accounts, 1727-1758; and a remedy for colds.



Ludwell Papers, 1676-1879, 10 pieces.  MS 65.8.


§         10 November 1676         Copy of Will of Thomas Ludwell, leaving L30 to Bruton Parish, 

                                                Virginia, to build a church.


§         18 December 1689         Lady Margaret Culpeper, Katherine Culpeper, Alexander Culpeper,

                                                Power of Attorney to Philip Ludwell.


§         29 November 1691         Copy of Will of Alexander Culpeper giving his 1/6 of the Culpeper

                                                (Fairfax) lands in Virginia to Lady Margaret Culpeper.



Spotswood Papers, 1646-1830, 45 pieces.  MS 48.2.


Folder 1:   9 pieces


§         4 January 1646              Letter.  St. Andrews, Robert Spotswood to the Laird Bogir & Mr.

                                                Robert Berrlay.


§         20 April 1696                 Letter.  Sudbury, Alexander Spotswood to John Spotswood.


§         17 May 1696                 Letter.  Sudbury, Alexander Spotswood to John Spotswood.


§         24 August 1696             Letter.  Sudbury, Alexander Spotswood to John Spotswood.


§         2 November 1696           Letter.  Sudbury, Alexander Spotswood to John Spotswood.


§         Letter.  John Spotswood to "the Generall" [Alexander Spotswood]. 

                                                Copied by John Spotswood II [1711-    ].


§         25 May 1698                 Letter.  Westmunster, Katherine Mercer to John Spotswood,



§         4 July 1698                    Letter.  Colchester, A[lexander] Spotswood to John Spotswood,



§         15 March 1703/4                        Letter.  London, A[lexander] Spotswood to John Spotswood,


Folder 4:  


§         Enclosure.  Sir Robert Spotiswoode to his children.  With a list of

                                                their births.  Copy.



Tazewell Papers, 1664-1805, 41 pieces.  MS 31.4.


§         31 October 1664            Deed.  Captain John Savage to Thomas Dimmer, granting one

                                                thousand acres of land on Savages Creek in Northampton County. 

                                                2p.  Oversize.


§         10 October 1678            Land patent.  Lieutenant Governor Herbert Jeffreys to Thomas

                                                Fondfont for 797 acres in Lower Norfolk County [now Chesapeake]. 

                                                2p.  Oversize.



Robinson Family Papers, 1684-1915, 2 Volumes.  MS 94.6  1X OV VOLUMES.



§         Pages 160-163              Will (copy).  Christopher Robinson.  27 January 1692/3.  Estate to be

                                                divided evenly among children Christopher, John, Benjamin, Ann,

                                                Agatha, Elizabeth, Clara.


§         Pages 165-168              Will (copy).  Christopher Robinson.  16 July 1768.  Estate given to

                                                Christopher Benjamin (son) with one-third to wife Sarah and portion

                                                of land to daughters Mary and Betty.


                                                "Churchwarden's Book" from the Parish of St. Helen about William



                                                church registries of Peter's Poor Church, London, Church of Great

                                                St. Helen, London, and Conyscliffe Parish, dating back to 1523.


                                                Great St. Helen's Church, London with inscription.


                                                inscription on the monument to Bishop Robinson (d. 1599) and family

                                                in Great St. Helen's Church, London.  Included are additional

                                                inscriptions found on the grave stones of Elizabeth Robinson (wife)

                                                and Sir Thomas Robinson (found in the Temple Church).


                                                River, England(?) showing surrounding towns.


                                                Motto and genealogy dating back to c. 1205 as constructed by Charles

                                                W. Robinson.


                                                of the Coats of Arms for William Robinson's Pedigree (1633/34) and

                                                Bishop Robinson's Pedigree (1712-23).


                                                Christopher Robinson to the office of Secretary of the Colony of



                                                Wormeley in James City County showing roads and waterways.



Walton, Robert. Pattern Book, 1 vol, ca.1670-1680, MS 96.17


The seven parts noted on the plates in this volume include:


1. A Booke of All Kinds of Beasts, in their severall Shapes, Postures, and Proportions, being the third Part of the View of the Creation.


2. The second part of ye view of ye Creation, being a Book of More Beast, Bird, Flowers, & c.


3. A Book of the severall shapes of all sorts of Birds exactly Drawen and curiously engraven being Ye 4th part of ye View of ye Creation.


4. A Booke of Divers Figures and Shapes of all maner of Flies, Beetles, Snailes, Wormes, and Serpents, taken from Things formerly Drawne to ye life in Coullers, and now Exquisetly done in Coper, Being ye last part of ye View of ye Creation.


5. A Booke of ye severall sorts and kinds of fish in their true Figures, Formes, and Shapes exactly drawn and neatly ingrave, being ye 6th Part of ye view of ye Creation.


6. The Pleasant Garden or a Booke of severall sorts and sizes of most rare, sweet, delightfull Flowers and Slips exactly Drawn and excellently engraven being ye 5th part of the View of the Creation.


7. The delightful Orchard, or a Book of most Pleasant and Desirable Fruits: being Ye 7th Part of ye View of the Creation.