
The digital reconstruction of the Jamestown Statehouse, structure 144, was developed under the close guidance of the Jamestown Rediscovery Team using Bentley Systems commercially licensed Microstation Architecture Triforma software and under contract to the architectural firm of Johnson, Craven and Gibson. The initial reconstruction was based upon a published Report to APVA , Jamestown Rediscovery, titled "Description and Analysis of Structure 144" developed by, Cary Carson, Willie Graham, Carl Lounsbury, and Martha McCartney, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Research Division, 20 August 2002. This report developed a reconstruction from the physical evidence on site and seventh and early eighteenth century brick construction in England... <-read more->

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      Phase I             Phase II             Phase III            Phase IV             Phase V

  South Elevation        West Elevation         South Elevation       West Elevation      South West Corner