

xquery version "1.0";
(: $Id: call.xql 10401 2009-11-08 19:01:26Z wolfgang_m $ :)
(:  This example demonstrates the use of higher-order functions.
    It uses the library module sequences.xq, which is found in 
    src/org/exist/xquery/lib and is loaded through the Java class 
    Higher-order functions are functions which take other functions
    as arguments. Three examples are shown here: fold, map and filter.
    These functions are the (basic) XQuery equivalents of functions known from 
    the standard library of the Scheme programming language.

import module namespace seq="http://exist-db.org/xquery/sequences";

declare namespace f="urn:my-functions";

declare function f:plus($a as xs:integer, $b as xs:integer) {
	$a + $b

declare function f:product($a as xs:integer, $b as xs:integer) {
	$a * $b

declare function f:remove($item as xs:integer) as xs:boolean {
	$item gt 10

declare function f:table-row($a, $b) {

        <title>Higher-order Functions</title>
        <h3>Calculate the sum of numbers 1 to 4:</h3>
        <pre>seq:fold(util:function(xs:QName("f:plus"), 2), 1 to 4, 0)</pre>
    	<p>{seq:fold(util:function(xs:QName("f:plus"), 2), 1 to 4, 0)}</p>
        <h3>Calculate the product of numbers 1 to 4:</h3>
        <pre>seq:fold(util:function(xs:QName("f:product"), 2), 1 to 4, 1)</pre>
    	<p>{seq:fold(util:function(xs:QName("f:product"), 2), 1 to 4, 1)}</p>
        <h3>Adding the elements of sequences (4, 7, 6) and (10, 15, 8) element-wise:</h3>
        <pre>seq:map(util:function(xs:QName("f:plus"), 2), (4, 7, 6), (10, 15, 8))</pre>
    	<p>{seq:map(util:function(xs:QName("f:plus"), 2), (4, 7, 6), (10, 15, 8))}</p>
    	<h3>Generating a table from the elements of sequences: (1, 2, 3) and
    	("Franz", "Klaus", "Erwin"):</h3>
    	<pre>seq:map(util:function(xs:QName("f:table-row"), 2), 1 to 3, ("Franz", "Klaus", "Erwin"))</pre>
    		{seq:map(util:function(xs:QName("f:table-row"), 2), 1 to 3, ("Franz", "Klaus", "Erwin"))}
    	<h3>Filter out all items greater than 10:</h3>
    	<pre>seq:filter(util:function(xs:QName("f:remove"), 1), (8, 15, 7, 19, 22, 5))</pre>
    	<p>{seq:filter(util:function(xs:QName("f:remove"), 1), (8, 15, 7, 19, 22, 5))}</p>
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