Letter from John Berry to William Berkeley, January 29th, 1677


This comes by the Bearer my Lieutenant To the Right honorable Sr. Wm. Berkeley Knight Governour and Capt. Generall of His Majesties Country of Virginia att Greene Spring

A Letter from Sir John Berry to Sir William Berkeley, upon his first Arrival in Virginia

Right Honorable
These are to Advertize you, that I came to an Anchor this Afternoone, and that there is on Board mee Col. Francis Moryson Commissioner with mee, and Col. Herbert Jeffreyes, by his Ma[jes]ties Comission under the Great Seale of England for settling the Grievances and other Affaires of Virginia. And that I have on board mee about Seaventy of His Majesties Soldiers Comanded at present by one Capt. Morris, who are to bee forthwith putt on shore to receive orders from you; untill the arrival of the rest of the Forces, which make up a Compleate Regiment of a thousand Men under the comand of Colonell Herbert Jeffreyes, who hath also coming with him all kind of Provisions and Ammunition necessary for Your Assistance in the carrying on the Warr against the Kings Enemies, and Suppressing the Present Rebellion: all which were shipt and readie to saile when I left England. I also thinke fitt to acquaint You, that the King hath given mee full Power of Comanding all Merchants Shipps and Seamen within the Rivers of Virginia to be ayding and assisting in His Majesties Service, to the suppressing and Quieting the Disorders of the Country. And for what Shott, Powder, Great Guns, etc. you shall stand in neede of the letter carrying on of this His Majesties service Upon your Notice thereof I shall be readie to supply You with such stores as I can spare. His Majesties Shipps now under my Command are the Bristol & Deptfore Ketch; the Rose and Dartmouth Frigatts coming after with the rest of the Fleete of Merchant men and Forces. Wee have severall other matters to impart to you, which cannot bee soe well imparted, but upon a personall Conferrence with you, which wee earnestly desire, and would be glad it might be here on Boarde if the present State of Your health will permitt; Or else that you will please to nominate unto us some such place of Meeting, as may seeme agreeable to the Kings Honor, and your owne Conveniency. Sir, I have noe more to add; but that when I left London, Your Ladie was well, and ready for her departure hither.

Col. Moryson writes not now, because hee knowes and suddainly Expects wee are to meete face to face, and soe gives You his Most humble service as doth Your most Affectionate Friend and Servant From on Board His Majesties Shipp Bristoll now siting at anchor in Kiccotan in James River

the 29th day of January 1677
A True copie

John Berry Sa. Wiseman


Virginia Colonial Records Project Cambridge -- Magdelene College Pepysian
Library Manuscripts: 1031, 1477, 1601, 1900, 2582, 2873, 2901, 2932, 2943
Library of Virginia
Richmond, Virginia
Print or microfilm copy consulted: VCRP 578 -- section 2582
Crandall ShifflettŠ 1999, 2000