Commission from Charles II to Herbert Jeffery, John Berry, and Francis Morison, October 10th, 1676


A Comission

Graunted unto Herbert Jeffery Esquire, Sir John Berry Knight, and Francis Morison Esquire, to Inquire into the Grievances of his Ma[jest]ties Plantacon of VIRGINIA.

Charles the Second by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. To our Trusty and Welbeloved Subjects Herbert Jeffery Esquire, Sir John Berry Knt, and Francis Morison Esquire

Greeting. Whereas it hath come to our knowledge that divers great divisions and distraccons have arisen and sundrey great disorders have beene comitted within our Plantacon of Virginia, to the disturbance of that Peace and Tranquility which our good subjects of that Platacon have long enjoyed under our happy Government. And wee having beene informed that the Evills aforesaid have in a great measure beene accasioned by divers Grievances, which our good Subjects there have of late laine under; the particulers whereof are yett to us unknowne. And because by reason of the great distance of the said Plantacon from our usuall Place of residence our good Subjects of the siad Plantacon cannot soe easily make knowne unto us their respective Grievances as other our Subjects may who live at a neerer distance. Wee being willing to be informed of all and singuler the Premisses, to the end wee may thereunto apply fitt and speedy Remedyes. And having great Confidence in Your Wisdomes, Industry and Loyalty, Doe by these presents appoint You the said Herbert Jeffery, Sir John Berry and Francis Morison to bee our Comissioners, to Enquire into, and Report unto us, All such Grievances and Pressures, which any of our Loving Subjects within the Plantacon aforesaid have suffered, or layne under, or doe suffer and lye under, and more especially such Grievances and all other causes matters and things which have occasioned the late divisions, Distraccones and Disorders there.


for the better Execucon of our Royal Will and Pleasure in this behalfe, Wee doe hereby give unto You, or to any two of you full Power and Authoritie not onely to receive such Informacons & Advertisements as shall be brought unto you by or from any of our Subjects touching the premisses, but also to enquire by Examinacon of Witnesses upon Oath, which wee doe hereby give full power and authority to you, or any Two of You to Administer or by such other wayes or meanes as You, or any two of you in your Discretions shall think fitt, into all such Grieveances and Pressures, as aforesaid, and all other matters, things and causes which have occasioned the said late Divisions, Distractions and Disorders, and to Report the same to Us, with all convenient Speede, together with the Opinion of You, or any two of you touching the Premisses, to the end that wee may give such Orders for the Redresse of all such Grievances and Pressures and for the future well-government of the said Plantacon, as Wee in Our Royall Wisdome shall, thinke fitt and convenient. And Wee doe hereby give unto You or any two of you full Power and Authority to send for such Persons, Papers and Records as may bee usefull unto You, ar any two of You for the better carrying on of our service hereby intended. Willing and Requiring Our Governor of our said Plantacon, for the tyme being his Deputy-Governor, and all and every other our Officers and Subjects within the said Plantacon to bee in all things helpfull, ayding, and assisting to You and every of You in the Execucon of this our Royall Commission. And Lastly Our Will & Pleasure is, that in the Execucon & performance or y[our] Powers Authorityes to you hereby Given, You and every of You doe carefully observe, and conforme your selves unto such Instruccons as have beene, or shall bee by Us given or sent unto You in Writing, under our Royall Signett and Signe Manuall.

In Witness

whereof wee have caused these our Letters to bee made Patents.


Ourselfe att Westminster the Tenth Day of October, in the Eight & twentieth yeare of our Raigne.

Convenit cum Originali

Sa. Wiseman, P ipm Regem, Barker
Virginia Colonial Records Project Cambridge -- Magdelene College Pepysian
Library Manuscripts: 1031, 1477, 1601, 1900, 2582, 2873, 2901, 2932, 2943
Library of Virginia
Richmond, Virginia
Print or microfilm copy consulted: VCRP 578 -- section 2582
Crandall ShifflettŠ 1999, 2000