Grant from Charles II to his Subjects in Virginia, October 10th, 1676


His Majestyes Grant & Declaracon in Favour of his subjects Inhabiting in Virginia

Charles the Second, by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland Defendor of the Faith. To all to whome these presents shall come Greeting. Know yee that wee of our especiall grace, certaine knowledge and meere motion have declared and granted, And by these presents doe for us our heires and Successors declare and grant, That all the Subjects of us our heires and successors from tyme to tyme Inhabiting within our Colony and Plantation of Vriginia shall have their immediate Dependance upon the Crowne of England, under the Rule and Government of such Governour or Governours as Wee, our heires or Successors shall from tyme to tyme apoint in that behalfe, and of or upon noe other person or persons whatsoever. And further that the Governor for the time being shalbe Resident in that Country, Except Wee or our heires shall at anytime Commaund his Attendance in England or Elswhere, in which case a Deputie shall be chosen to continue during the absence of such Governour in manner as hath formerly beene used; enlesse Wee Our Heires or Successors shall thinke fitt to Nominate such Deputie. And further, if any Governour shall happen to dye, then another Governour shall and may be chosen as hath beene formerly used; to continue untill Wee our Heires or Successors shall appoint a New Governour. And Moreover, that all Lands now possessed by the severall and respective Planters or Inhabitants of Virginia are and shall be Confirmed and Established to them and their Heires for Ever, where the property of any particular mans Interest in any Lands there shall not be altered or prejudiced by reason thereof And our further will and pleasure is, And wee doe hereby of our further grace and favour Declare and Grant, that for the Encouragement of such our Subjects as shall from time to time goe to dwell in the said Plantacon, there shall be assigned out of the lands (not already appropriated) to every person soe coming to dwell Fiftie Acres, according as hath beene used and allowed since the first Plantacion, to be held of us, our Heires and Successors, as of our Mannor of East-Greenwich in the County of Kent, in free and comon Soccage And further that all Lands possessed by any Subject, inhabiting in Virginia which is Escheated or shall Escheate unto Us our Heires or Successors shall and may bee enjoyed by such Inhabitant or Possessor his Heires and Assignes for ever, Paying twoe poundes of Tobacco Composicon for every Acre, which is the Rate sett by our Governour according to our Instruccons to him in that behalf: And further that the Governour and Counsell, or any Five or more of them (whereof the Governour or his Deputye to be alwayes one) shall and hereby have full power and authority to heare and determine all Treasons, Murders, Felonyes and other Offences comitted or done or to be comitted or done within the said Government, soe as they proceede therein as neere as may be to the Lawes and Statutes of this our Kingdome of England. And lastly Know yee that wee being of our Royall goodnesse graciously inclined to favour the Subjects of Us, our heires and Successors, which now doe or hereafter shall Inhabite in the said Countrey of Virginia and to give the more liberall & ample Encouragement to Plantacions there Doe hereby declare our Royall Will and pleasure to be that all and every Classe, Article and Sentence in these our Letters Patents conteined shall be from tyme o tyme for ever hereafter, as often as any ambiguity, Doubt or Question shall or may happen to arise; thereupon, expounded, contrued, deemed and taken to bee by us meant and intended, and shall enure and take effect in the most beneficiall and avayleable sence to all intents and purposes for the profitt and advantage of the Subjects of us, our heires and Successors of Virginia aforesaid; aswell against Us our Heires and Successors, as against all and every other person and persons whatsoever: Any Law, Statute Custom or usage to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding. In Witnes whereof wee have caused these our Letters o bee made Patents.

Witnes ourself att Westminster, the tenth day of October, in the Eight and twentyeth yeare of our Raigne

Examinat cum Originali p me

Sa. Wiseman, P ipm Regem, Barker
Virginia Colonial Records Project Cambridge -- Magdelene College Pepysian
Library Manuscripts: 1031, 1477, 1601, 1900, 2582, 2873, 2901, 2932, 2943
Library of Virginia
Richmond, Virginia
Print or microfilm copy consulted: VCRP 578 -- section 2582
Crandall ShifflettŠ 1999, 2000