Second by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France,
and Ireland, Defendor of the Fayth. To our trusty and welbeloved
Sir William Berkley Knight, Our Governour of our Plantacon of
Virginia, Greeting.
Nathaniel Bacon the Younger and divers other ill-disposed persons
his Complices and Adherents, have raised a Rebellion and
levyed Warr against us within our said Plantacon. Wee being
graciously inclined and willing to extend our Royall Compassion
to such of our Subjects as have acted in and bee guilty of,
or shall act in and be guilty Of the said Warre and Rebellion;
who (being sensible and repenting of their Disloyalty and Disobedience
to us and our Government) shall humbly implore our Grace and
Mercy, and shall returne to their due Obedience and duty Have
thought fitt to give and grant, and doe by these presents give
and grant full poweer and authority to you, our said Governour
for us and in our name to Pardon Release and Forgive unto all
such of our Subjects (other then the said Nathaniel Bacon) as
you shall thinke fitt and convenient for our service, All Treasons,
Felonyes, and other Crimes and Misdemeanors by them or any
of them acted, done, or comitted, or which shall be acted,
done or comitted by them, or any of them during and relating
to this present Warr and Rebellion, with full Restitution to
the persons, soe by you to be pardoned their Heires, Executors
and Administrators of their Estates, as well reall as personall.
And our will and Pleasure is, that all and every such Pardon
and Pardons by you to bee granted, pursuant to the Power and
authority hereby to you given, shall bee to all intents and
Purposes as good and effectuall in Law and shall bee pleadable
and allowed in all our Courts and before and by all our Justices,
Magistrates and Officers whatsoever, In as full and ample manner
as if the same had beene graunted by us, and had passed
under our Great Seale of England. In witness whereof wee have
caused these our letters to bee made patents Witnes Ourself
att Westminster the tenth day of October, in the Eight and twentyeth
yeare of Our Raigne.
Convenit cum Originali
Sa. Wiseman, P ipm Regem, Barker
Colonial Records Project Cambridge -- Magdelene College Pepysian
Library Manuscripts: 1031, 1477, 1601, 1900, 2582, 2873, 2901, 2932,
Library of Virginia
Richmond, Virginia
Print or microfilm copy consulted: VCRP 578 -- section 2582 |