From George Percy, "Observations"
1606 |
December 20 |
Left London |
1607 |
January 5 |
Anchored in the "Downes" |
February 12 |
Storm; saw "blazing star" (comet) |
February 23 |
Arrived Island of Mattanenio in West Indies |
February 24 |
Arrived "Dominico;" met by Indians |
February 27 |
Arrived Guadalupe; Mevis |
*March 3 |
Left Mevis for Virgin Islands |
March 7 |
Arrive Island of Mona |
March 10 |
Left West Indies |
March 14 |
Pass Tropic of Cancer |
March 21 |
Storm |
March 26 |
Arrived Virginia, 4 a.m.; entered Chesapeake Bay |
March 27 |
Journeyed eight miles into interior |
April 18 |
Explored Chesapeake Bay in large, masted boat |
April 29 |
Planted a cross at Cape Henry |
April 30 |
Arrived Cape Comfort |
May 4 |
Arrived at Werowance of Paspihe settlement |
May 5 |
Entertained messenger from the Werowance of Rapahanna; left for Rapahanna |
May 8 |
Arrived in "country of Apamatica" |
May 12 |
Arrived at point of land and named it Archer's Hope |
May 13 |
Arrived at "seating place, " eight miles from Archer's Hope |
May 14 |
Work began on fort |
May 18 |
Visit of Werowance of Paspihae |
May 19 |
Went four miles in woods |
May 20 |
Revisit of Werowance of Paspiha |
May 24 |
Crossed head of river, planted a cross, and named the spot King's River after James I, King of England |
June 15 |
Completed building the fort |
June 22 |
Captain Newport left for England (leaving 104 people in the fort) |
July 27 |
Restored canoe on the request of Werowance of Rapahanna |
August 6 |
John Asbie died of bloody flux |
August 9 |
George Flowre died of swelling |
August 10 |
William Bruster, gentleman, died of wound from Indians |
August 14 |
Jerome Alikock, ancient, died of wound; Francis Midwinter; Edward Morris died suddenly |
August 15 |
Edward Browne; Stephen Galthrope |
August 16 |
Thomas Gower, gentleman |
August 17 |
Death of Thomas Mounslie |
August 18 |
Deaths of Robert Pennington; John Martine, gentleman |
August 19 |
Death of Drue Piggase, gentleman |
August 22 |
Death of Captain Bartholomew Gosnold, member of council |
August 24 |
Deaths of Edward Harrington and George Walker |
August 26 |
Death of Kenelme Throgmortine |
August 27 |
Death of William Roods |
August 28 |
Thomas Stoodie, merchant |
September 4 |
Death of Thomas Jacob, sergeant |
September 5 |
Death of Benjamin Beast |
September 11 |
Articles placed against Edward Maria Wingfield; Captain John Ratcliffe chosen to replace him |
September 18 |
Ellis Kinistone, starved "with cold;" Death of Richard Simmons |
September 19 |
Death of Thomas Mouton |
*Sidenote indicates April but apparently is a mistake
Source: George Percy, "Observations Gathered out of 'A Discourse of the Plantation of the Southern Colony in Virginia by the English, 1606.'"