From George Percy, "Observations"



December 20

Left London



January 5

Anchored in the "Downes"

February 12

Storm; saw "blazing star" (comet)

February 23

Arrived Island of Mattanenio in West Indies

February 24

Arrived "Dominico;" met by Indians

February 27

Arrived Guadalupe; Mevis

*March 3

Left Mevis for Virgin Islands

March 7

Arrive Island of Mona

March 10

Left West Indies

March 14

Pass Tropic of Cancer

March 21


March 26

Arrived Virginia, 4 a.m.; entered Chesapeake Bay

March 27

Journeyed eight miles into interior

April 18

Explored Chesapeake Bay in large, masted boat

April 29

Planted a cross at Cape Henry

April 30

Arrived Cape Comfort

May 4

Arrived at Werowance of Paspihe settlement

May 5

Entertained messenger from the Werowance of Rapahanna; left for Rapahanna

May 8

Arrived in "country of Apamatica"

May 12

Arrived at point of land and named it Archer's Hope

May 13

Arrived at "seating place, " eight miles from Archer's Hope

May 14

Work began on fort

May 18

Visit of Werowance of Paspihae

May 19

Went four miles in woods

May 20

Revisit of Werowance of Paspiha

May 24

Crossed head of river, planted a cross, and named the spot King's River after James I, King of England

June 15

Completed building the fort

June 22

Captain Newport left for England (leaving 104 people in the fort)

July 27

Restored canoe on the request of Werowance of Rapahanna

August 6

John Asbie died of bloody flux

August 9

George Flowre died of swelling

August 10

William Bruster, gentleman, died of wound from Indians

August 14

Jerome Alikock, ancient, died of wound; Francis Midwinter; Edward Morris died suddenly

August 15

Edward Browne; Stephen Galthrope

August 16

Thomas Gower, gentleman

August 17

Death of Thomas Mounslie

August 18

Deaths of Robert Pennington; John Martine, gentleman

August 19

Death of Drue Piggase, gentleman

August 22

Death of Captain Bartholomew Gosnold, member of council

August 24

Deaths of Edward Harrington and George Walker

August 26

Death of Kenelme Throgmortine

August 27

Death of William Roods

August 28

Thomas Stoodie, merchant

September 4

Death of Thomas Jacob, sergeant

September 5

Death of Benjamin Beast

September 11

Articles placed against Edward Maria Wingfield; Captain John Ratcliffe chosen to replace him

September 18

Ellis Kinistone, starved "with cold;" Death of Richard Simmons

September 19

Death of Thomas Mouton

*Sidenote indicates April but apparently is a mistake

Source: George Percy, "Observations Gathered out of 'A Discourse of the Plantation of the Southern Colony in Virginia by the English, 1606.'"