WHEREAS the kings majesties frequent instuctions hath commanded that all masters of ships arriveing in this country should before they breake bulke bring up their ships to James Citty, which by reason of the seating of the inhabitants in divers rivers cannot without much prejudice to the said masters extend to all parts of the country yet that his majesties comands may as much as in us lyeth be effectually obeyed; Wee the governor councell and burgesses of this grand assembly have thought fitt to enact, and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid that all ships whatsoever arriving in James river doe accordingly with the ffirst faire wind and weather after their arrivall bring up their ships to James Citty and there make entry of their ships, take out lycense to trade and performe such other things as they shalbe there certifyed the lawes of this country doe enjoyne them.