Published from the original manuscript, in the Richmond (VA.) Enquirer, of 12 Sept. 1804.WashingtonPrinted by Peter Force.1835
To Mr. C. H. at Yardly in Northamptonshire.
Sr. I haveing seene yours directed to--------------and considering that you cannot have your desires satisfied that way, for the forementioned reasons, I have by his permition, adventured to send you this briefe acount, of those affaires, so far as I have bin informed.
The Susquehanians and Marylanders of friendes being ingaged enimyes (as hath by former letter bin hinted to you) and that the Indians being ressalutely bent not to forsake there forte; it came to this pointe, yt the Marylanders were obliged (findeing themselves too weake to do the worke themselves) to suplycate (too soone granted) aide of the Verginians, put under the conduct of one Collonel Washingto (him whom you have sometimes seen at your howse) who being joyned with the Marylanders, invests the Indians in there forte, with a neglegent siege; upon which the enimye made severall salleys, with as many losses to the beseegers; and at last gave them the opertunity to disart the Fort, after that the English had (contrary to ye law of arms) beate out the Braines of 6 grate men sent out to treate a peace: an action of ill consequence, as it proved after. For the Indians having in the darke, slipt through the Legure, and in there passage knock'd 10 of the beseigers on the head, which they found fast a-sleep, leaving the rest to prosecute the Seige, (as Scoging's Wife brooding the Eggs which the Fox had suck'd) they resolved to imploy there liberty in avenging there Commissionres blood, which they speedily effected in the death of sixty inosscent soules, and then send in there Remonstrance to the Governour, in justification of the fact, with this expostulation annext: Demanding what it was moved him to take up arms against them, his professed friends, in the behalfe of the Marylanders, there avowed enimyes. Declaring there sorow to see the Verginians, of friends to becom such violent enimies as to persue the Chase in to anothers dominions. Complanes that there messingers sent out for peace were not only knock'd on the head but the fact countenanc'd by the governour; for which (finding no other way to be satisfied) they had revenged themselves, by killing ten for one of the English; such being the disperportion between there men murthered, and those by them slane, theres being persons of quallety, the other of inferiour Ranke: Professing that if they may have a valluable satisfaction, for the damage they had sustained by the English, and that the Verginians would with-draw there aides from the Marylanders quarrill; that then they would renew the league with Sr W. B.1 otherways they would prossecute ye war to the last man; and the hardest fend of.
This was faire play, from fowle gamesters. But the perposealls not to be alowed of as being contrary to the honour of the English, the Indians proceede, and having drawn the neighboring Indians into there ade, in a short time, they commit abundance of ungarded and unrevenged murthers; by which meanes a grate many of the outward plantations were disarted; the doeing whereof did not onely terefye the wholl collony, but subplanted those esteemes the people had formerly for Sr. W. B. whom they judged too remiss in applying meanes to stop the fewrye of the Heathen; and to settle there affections, and expectations, upon one Esqr. Bacon, newly come into the Countrey, one of the Councell, and nearly related to your late wives father-in-law, whom they desired might be commissionated Generall, for the Indian war; Which Sr. William (for some reasons best knowne unto himself) denying, the Gent: man (without any scruple) accepts of a commission from the peoples affections, signed by the emergences of affaires and the Countreys danger; and so forthwith advanceth with a small party (composed of such that owne his Authorety) against the Indians; on whom, it is saide he did signall execution: In his absence hee and those with him, were declared Rebells to the State, May 29, and forces raised to reduce him to his obedience; at the head of which the Governour advanceth, some 30 or 40 miles to find Bakon out, but not knowing which way he was gon, he dismisseth his army, retireing himself and councell, to James Towne, there to be redy for the assembly, which was now upon the point of meeting: Whiter Bacon, some few days after his return hom from his Indian march, repared to render an account of his servis; for which himself and most of those with him in the expedition, were imprisoned; from whence they were freed by a judgment in court upon Bacon's tryall, himself readmited into the councell and promised a commission the Monday following (this was on the Saturday) against the Indians; with which deluded, he smothers his resentments, and beggs leave to visit his Lady (now sick, as he pretended) which granted, hee returnes to Towne at the head of 4 or 5 hundred men, well Arm'd: reassumes his demands for a commission. Which, after som howers strugling with the Governour, being obtained, according to his desire, hee takes order for the countreyes security, against the attemps of sculking Indians; fills up his numbers and provissiones, according to the gage of his commission; and so once more advanceth against the Indians, who heareing of his approaches, calls in there Runers and scouts, be taking themselves to be there subterfuges and lurking holes. The General (for so he was now denominated) had not reach'd the head of York River, but that a Post overtakes him, and informes, that Sr. W. B. was a raiseing the Traine-bands in Glocester, with an intent, eather to fall into his reare, or otherways to cutt him off when he should return wery and spent from his Indian servis. This strange newes put him, and those with him, shrodly to there Trumps, beleiveing that a few such Deales or shufles (call them what you will) might quickly ring both cards and game out of his hands. He saw that there was an abselute necessety of destroying the Indians, and that there was som care to be taken for his owne and Armys safety, other-ways the worke might happen to be rechedly done, where the laberours were made criples, and be compeld (insteade of a sword) to make use of a cruch. It vext him to the heart (as he said) to thinke, that while he was a hunting Wolves, tigers and bears, which daly destroyd our harmless and innosscent Lambs, that hee, and those with him, should be persewed in the reare with a full cry, as more savage beasts. He perceved like the corne, he was light between those stones which might grinde him to pouder; if he did not looke the better about him. For the preventing of which, after a short consult with his officers, he countermarcheth his Army (about 500 in all) downe to the midle Plantation: of which the Governour being informed, ships himself and adhearers, for Accomack (for the Gloster men refused to owne his quarill against the Generall) after he had caused Bacon, in these parts to be proclamed a Rebell once more, July 29.
Bacon being sate down with his Army at the midle Plantation, sends out an invitation unto all the prime Gent: men in these parts, to give him a meeting in his quarters, there to consult how the Indians were to be proceeded against, and himself and Army protected against the desines of Sr. W. B. aganst whose Papers, of the 29 of May, and his Proclameation since, he puts forth his Replication and those papers upon these Dellama's.
First, whether persons wholy devoted to the King and countrey, haters of sinester and by-respects, adventering there lives and fortunes, to kill and destroy all in Arms, against King and countrey; that never ploted, contrived, or indevioured the destruction, detryement or wrong of any of his Majesties subjects, there lives, fortunes, or estates can desurve the names of Rebells and Traters: secondly he cites his owne and soulders peaceable behaviour, calling the wholl countrey to witness against him if they can; hee upbrades som in authorety with the meaneness of there parts, others now rich with the meaneness of there estates, when they came into the countrey, and questions by what just ways they have obtained there welth; whether they have not bin the spunges that hath suck'd up the publick tresury: Questions what arts, sciences, schools of Learning, or manufactorys, have bin promoted in authorety: Justefyes his adverssion, in generall against the Indians; upbrades the Governour for manetaneing there quarill, though never so unjust, aganest the Christians rights; his refuseing to admit an English mans oath against an Indian, when that Indians bare word should be accepted of against an Englishman: sath sumthing against ye Governour concerning the Beaver trade, as not in his power to dispose of to his owne proffit, it being a Monopeley of the crowne; Questions whether the Traders at the heads of the Rivers being his Facters, do not buy and sell the blood of there bretheren and country men, by furnishing the Indians with Pouder, shott and Fire Arms, contrary to the Laws of the Collony: He araignes one Collonell Cowells asscertion, for saying that the English are bound to protect the Indians, to the hassard of there blood. And so concludes with an Appeale to the King and Parliament, where he doubts not but that his and the Peoples cause will be impartially heard.
To comply with the Generalls Invetation, hinted in my former Letter, there was a grate convention of the people met him in his quarters; the result of whose meeting was an Ingagement, for the people (of what qullety soever, excepting servants) to subscribe to consisting of 3 heads. First to be aideing, with there lives and estates, the Generall, in the Indian war: secondly, to opose Sr. Williams designes, if hee had any, to hinder the same: and lastly, to protect the Generall, Army and all that should subscribe this Ingagement, against any power that should be sent out of England, till it should be granted that the countreys complaint might be heard, against Sr. William before the King and Parliament. These 3 heads being methodized, and put in to form, by the Clarke of ye Assembly, who happened to be at this meeting, and redd unto the people, held a despute, from allmost noone, till midnight, pro and con, whether the same might, in the last Article especially, be with out danger taken. The Generall, and som others of the cheife men was Resalute in the affirmative, asserting its innosscency, and protesting, without it, he would surrender up his commission to the Assembly, and lett them finde other servants, to do the countreys worke: this, and the newse, that the Indians were fallen downe in to Gloster county, and had kill'd som people a bout Carters Creeke; made the people willing to take the Ingagement. The cheife men that subscribed it at this meeting, were coll. Swan, coll. Beale, coll. Ballard, Esq. Bray, (all foure of the councell) coll. Jordan, coll. Smith, of Purton, coll. Scarsbrook, coll. Miller, coll. Lawrane, and Mr. Drommond, late Governour of Carolina; all persons, with whom you have bin formerly acquainted.
This worke being over, and orders taken for an Assemblye to sitt downe the 4 of September (the writs being issued out in his majestyes name, and signed by 4 of the Councell, before named) the Generall once more sitts out to finde the Indians: of which Sr. William have gained intelligence, to prevent Bacons designes by the Assembley, returns from Accomack, with a bout 1000 soulders, and others, in 5 shipps and 10 sloops to James towne; in which was som 900 Baconians (for soe now they began to be called, for a marke of destinction) under the command of coll. Hansford, who was commissionated by Bacon, to raise Forces (if need were) in his absence, for the safety of the countrey. Unto these Sr. William sends in a summons for a Rendition of ye place, with a pardon to all that would decline Bacons and entertaine his cause. What was returned to this sommons I know not; but in the night the Baconians forsake the Towne, by the advice of Drummond and Lawrance (who were both excepted, in the Governours sommons, out of mercy) every one returning to there owne aboades, excepting Drommond, Hansford, Lawrence, and some few others, who goes to finde out the Generall, now returned to the head of York River, haveing spent his provisions in following the Indians on whom he did sum execution, and sent them packing a grate way from the Borders.
Before that Drommond and those with him had reached the Generall, he had dismist his Army, to there respective habitations, to gather strength against the next intended expedition; eccepting som frew resarved for his Gard, and persons liveing in these parts; unto whom, those that came with Hansford being joyned, made about 150 in all: With these Bacon, by a swift march, before any newes was heard of his return from the Indians, in these parts, comes to Towne, to ye consternation of all in it, and there blocks the Governour up; which he easily effected by this unheard of project. He was no sooner arived at Towne, but by several small partyes of Horse (2 or 3 in a party, for more he could not spare) he fetcheth into his little Leagure, all the prime mens wives, whose Husbands were with the Governour, (as coll. Bacons Lady, Madm. Bray, Madm. Page, Madm. Ballard, and others) which the next morning he presents to the view of there husbands and ffriends in towne, upon the top of the smalle worke hee had cast up in the night; where he caused them to tarey till hee had finished his defence against his enemies shott, it being the onely place (as you do know well enough) for those in towne to make a salley at. Which when compleated, and the Governour understanding that the Gentle women were withdrawne in to a place of safety, he sends out some 6 or 700 hundred of his soulders, to beate Bacon out of his Trench: But it seems that those works, which were protected by such charms (when a raiseing) that plug'd up the enimys shot in there gains, could not now be storm'd by a vertue less powerfull (when finished) then the sight of a few white Aprons: otherways the servis had bin more honourable and the damage less, several of those who made the salley being slaine and wounded, without one drop of Blood drawne from the enimy. With in too or three days after this disaster, the Governour reships himself, soulders, and all the inhabitants of the towne, and there goods: and so to Accomack a gane; leaving Bacon to enter the place at his pleasure, which he did the next morning before day, and the night following burns it downe to the ground to prevent a futer seege, as hee saide. Which Flagrant, and Flagitious Act performed, he draws his men out of town, and marcheth them over York River, at Tindells point, to finde out collnell Brent, who was advancing fast upon him, from Potomack, at the head of 1200 men, (as he was informed) with a designe to raise Bacons seige, from before the towne, or other ways to fight him, as he saw cause. But, Brents shoulders no sooner heard that Bacon was got on the north-side Yorke River, with an intent to fight them, and that he had beate the Governour out of the towne, and fearing, if he met with them, that he might beate them out of there lives they basely forsake there colours, the greater part adheareing to Bacons cause; resolveing with the Perssians to go and worship the rising sun, now approaching nere there Horisson: of which Bacon being informed, he stops his proceedings that way, and begins to provide for a nother expedition a gainst the Indian, of whom he had heard no news since his last March, a gainst them: which while he was a contriveing, Death summons him to more urgent affairs in to whose hands (after a short seige) he surrenders his life, leaving his commition in the custody of his Leif't Generall, one Ingram, newly comin to the countrey.
Sr. William no sooner had news that Bacon was Dead but he sends over a party, in a sloope to Yorke who snap'd Collonell Hansford, and others with him, that kep a negilegent Gard at coll. Reades howse under his command: When Hansford came to Acomack, he had the honour to be the first Verginian born that ever was hang'd; the soulders (about 20 in all) that were taken with him, were commited to Prisson. Capt. Carver, Capt. Wilford, Capt. Farloe, with 5 or 6 others of less note, taken at other places, ending there days as Hansford did; Major Cheesman bein apointed (but it seems not destinated to the like end, which he prevented by dying in prisson through ill usage, as it is said.
This execution being over (which the Baconians termed crewilty in the abstract) Sr. William ships himself and soulder for York River, casting Anchor at Tindells point; from whence he sends up a hundred and 20 men to surprise a Gard, of about, 30 men and boys, kept at coll. Bacons howse under the command of Major Whaly; who being fore-warn'd by Hansford fate, prevented the designed conflict with the death of the commander in cheife, and the taking som prisoners: Major Lawrence Smith, with 600 men, meeting with the like fate at coll. Pates howse, in Gloster, a gainst Ingram, (the Baconian Generall) onely Smith saved himself, by leaving his men in the lurtch, being all made prissoners; whom Ingram dismist to their owne homes; Ingram himself, and all under his command, with in a few days after, being reduced to his duty, by the well contrivance of Capt. Grantham, who was now lately arived in York River: which put a period to the war, and brought the Governour a shoare at coll. Bacons, where he was presented with Mr. Drumond; taken the day before in Cheekanonimy swomp, half famished, as him self related to my Husband. From coll. Bacons, the next day, he was convayed, in Irons to Mr. Brays (whither the Governour was removed) to his Tryall, where he was condemn'd with in halfe an hower after his coming to Esqr. Brays, to be hanged at the midle Plantation, within 4 howers after condemnation; where he was accordingly, executed, with a pitifull French man. Which don, the Governour removes to his owne howse, to settle his and the countryes repose, after his many troubles; which he effected by the advice of his councel and an Assembly convein'd at the Greene Spring; where severall were condemned to be executed, prime actors in ye Rebellion; as Esqr. Bland, coll. Cruse, and som other hanged at Bacons Trench; Capt. Yong, of Cheekahominy, Mr. Hall, clarke of New-Kent court, James Wilson (once your servant) and one Leift. Collonell Page, (one that my Husband bought of Mr. Lee, when he kep store at your howse) all four executed at coll. Reads, over against Tindells point; and Anthony Arnell (the same that did live at your howse) hanged in chanes at West point, besides severall others executed on the other side James River: enough (they say in all) to out number those slane in the wholl war; on both sides: it being observable that the sword was more favourable then the Halter, as there was a grater liberty taken to run from the sharpness of the one, then would be alowed to shun the dull imbraces of the other: the Hangman being more dredfull to the Baconians, then there Generall was to the Indians: as it is counted more honourable, and less terable, to dye like a soulder, then to be hang'd like a dogg.
Thus Sr. have I rendered you an account of our late troubles in Verginia, which I have performed too wordishly; but I did not know how to help it; Ignorance in som cases is a prevalent ovatour in pleading for pardon, I hope mine may have the fortune to prove soe in the behalfe of
Sr. Yor. ffriend and servant,
From Q. Creeke.
To his Wife, A. C. at Q. Creek.
My deare,
Allthough those who have depicted that fickle Godes, Fortune, have represented her under various shapes, there by to denote her inconstancys; yet do I thinke there is not any thing sublunary subjected to the vicissetudes of her temper so much as is the condition and estate of man-kinde: All things ells partakes som thing of a stedfast and perminent decree excepting Man in the state of his affaires. The sun is constant in his Anuall progress through the Zodiack, the Moone in her changes, the other Planits in ther Asspects: The productions of the Earth have a fixed constant season for there groath and increase, when that man (in his creation litle inferiour to the Angles) cannot promise unto-himself a fix'd condition, on this side Heaven.
How many hath thou and I read off, that the sun hath shined upon in the East, with honours and Dignityes, which his western beames hath seene clouded with poverty, reproaches and contumelles. The same moment that saw Ceaser cheife Man in the senate, beheld him in a worss condition then the meanest slave in Rome; and in less then 6 howers Phoebus ey'd the Marqus of Ancrey, in the midst of his Rustling traine of servitures, not onely streameing out his blood, but spurn'd and drag'd up and down the dirtie streets of Paris, by the worst of mecanicks. It is but the tother day that I did see N. B. in the condition of a Tratour, to be tryed for his life; who but a few days before was judged the most accomplish'd Gen: man, in Verginia to serve his King and countrey, at the councell Table, or to put a stop to the insolencies of the Heathen, and the next day rais'd to his dignities againe; Thus doth fortune sport her self with poor mortells, som times mount them up in to the aire (as Byes do Tennis balls) that they may com with the grater violence downe, and then a gane strike them a gainst the earth that they may with ye grater speed mount up in to the Aire, &c. &c.
From Towne, June 9, '76.
{1} Sir William Berkeley, the governor of Virginia.
{2} Nathaniel Bacon.