First Hand Accounts

THIS WRITEING INDENTED made the Last day of July/ Anno Dom 1627 And in the Third yeare of the raigne of our Sovraigne Lord Charles by the Grace of God king of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the faith &c. betweene Richard Lowther of Broome in the Parish of South well [i.e., Southill] in the County of Bedford brewer of thone party and Edward Hurd Cittizen and Iron monger of London of thother party witnesseth that the said Richard Lowther (for the Considerations here in after Mentioned) hath hired himselfe and is become and by theis presents doth Covenant and agree and bind himselfe to be remayne and Contynue the Covenant servant of him the said Edward Hurd his heirs and assignes to be by him or them sent and transported unto the Cuntry and land of Virginia, in the parts beyond the Seas & to be by him or them employed upon his plantation there, for and dureing the space of Fower yeares to begin at the feast day of St. Michaell Tharchangell now next comeing dureing which said terme the said Richard Lowther shall and will truely employ and cnd [sic] endeavour himselfe to the utmost of his power knowledge and skill to doe and performe true and faithfull service unto the said Edward Hurd his heirs and assignes in for and concerning all such Labour and businesse as he or they shall think good to use and employ him the said Richard Lowther in, And shall and wilbe tractable and obedient as a good and a faithfull servant ought to be in all such things as shalbe Comannded him by the said Edward Hurd his heires or assignes in Virginia aforesaid or elsewhere dureing the said terme. IN CONSIDERATION whereof the said Edward Hurd for himselfe his executors administrators or assignes and for every of them do covenant promise and grant to and with the said Richard Lowther his heires executors administrators and assignes by theis presents that he the said Edward Hurd his heires executors administrators and assignes shall and will (att his and their owne charges) not only transport and furnish out the said Richard Lowther to and for Virginia aforesaid and there find provide and allow unto him sufficient meate drink apparrell and other necessaryes for his livelihood and maynetenance dureing the said term But alsoe at the expiration of the said terme shall and will graunt assign and allott unto him the said Richard Lowther the quantety of Fifty acres of Land in Virginia aforesaid to hold to him his heires and assignes for ever as in such Cases usuall without fraud or Coven In witnes whereof the said parties to theis presente wryteings indented Enterchangeably have sett their hands and seales geaven the day and year first above written/

Richard Lowther

Sealed and delivered in the presence of us John Davies and Andrew Ball Servants to Tho: Thompson Ser.