Muster Search Results

Muster Record Building Records
Name: Joseph Cobb
Muster: Cobb Joseph
Status: head
Location: Elzabeth Cittie
Corporation: Elzabeth Cittie
Age: 25
Ship: Treasoror
Date of Arrival: 1613
Boats: 0
Canoes: 0
House: 1
Storehouse: 0
Tobacco House: 0
Windmill: 0
Palisade: 0
Fort: 0
Arms Records Food & Livestock Records
Powder: 3 pound
Lead: 0
Shot: 0
Lead & Bullets: 0
Lead & Shot: 0
Shot & Bullets: 0
Piece: 1
Piece Fixed: 0
Piece Serviceable: 0
Pistol: 0
Armor: 0
Armor Complete: 0
Coat of Mail: 0
Coat of Steel: 0
Buff Coat: 0
Quilted Coat: 0
Coat of Plate: 0
Coat: 0
Head Piece: 0
Sword: 2
Snaphance: 0
Petronel: 0
Murderer: 0
Fauconett: 0
Jacket: 0
Ordnance: 0
Matchcocke: 0
Jack: 0
Corslet: 0
Chamber: 0
Target: 0
Roll of Matches: 0
Corn: 8 barrel
Corn & Peas: 0
Peas: 0
Beans: 0
Peas & Beans: 0
English Wheat: 0
Engligh Meal: 0
Meal: 0
Oatmeal: 0
Oatmeal & Peas: 0
Dry Fish: 0
Wet Fish: 0
Biscuits: 0
Bacon Flitches:

Cattle: 0
Neat Cattle: 0
Goat: 0
Kid: 0
Swine: 0
Pig: 0
Sow: 0
Poultry: 0

Explanation of Arms and Munitions

Showing record 1 of 1