Search the Jamestown 1624/5 Muster Records

This is the main Muster database. It includes information about household members, including in many cases their age, when they arrived in Virginia, and which ship they arrived on. Interesting searches can be made for individuals who arrived on the same ship, or children under 5 who may have been born in Virginia. As another example, searching for "Sands%" in the Muster field returns a list of individuals, family members and servants, who were a part of the Sands household.

Note: A wildcard search is available - just add % to your search

Introduction to Musters

Tips for Searching

Explanation of Fields

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Last Name: First Name:
Muster: Age: (from) (to)
(hold down the control key to pick multiple options)
(hold down the control key to pick multiple options)
Location and Corporation:
(hold down the control key to pick multiple options)
Note: Pick from one column or the other, not both
Month of Arrival: Year of Arrival:
Muster Date:

Crandall ShifflettŠ 1999, 2000